14940 Old Colonial Road
Bloomington, IL 61704

Membership at Center For Hope
Membership at Center for Hope Ministries is viewed as being actively involved in supporting the mission and purpose of ministry. When you become a member of Center for Hope, you commit to the following:
I profess faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
I commit to love the other members of Center for Hope and partner with them in our mission of bringing a balanced approach to Christian living.
I commit to contribute my time, abilities, and financial resources in support of the mission of Center for Hope.
If you are relatively new to Center for Hope and still have questions about who we are, what we believe and how you might fit in with us, our New Citizens Training is a great first step towards finding the answers you desire. The trainings are as follows:
Track One: New Citizens Orientation
New Citizens Orientation provides insight for new members on our vision, beliefs, and ministries. Though new members are required to complete an intake form when joining ministry, membership is not official until New Citizen’s Orientation is complete.
New Citizens Orientation is held every Sunday (except 5th Sundays), 9:00 am – 10:00 am.
Although the New Citizens Orientation is a one-time thing, all members of Center for Hope are asked to renew their citizenship with us at the beginning of every year. This yearly renewal serves as reminder of your commitment and God’s purpose for your life while here with us.
Download a membership profile form to renew your membership at Center for Hope. Once completed, submit your membership profile to the main office vial mail or fax at 309-827-2127.
Track Two: New Life
New Life offers a series of discipleship classes designed to teach, lead, and develop new citizens. Each class aims to progressively move believers into a deeper level of spiritual maturity, while providing foundational truth for everyday Christian living.
This 8-week course is offered on Sundays, 9:00 am – 10:00 am in the CFH Gym (First classroom). Participants must complete Track 1 class before attending Track 2 classes.
For more information about Membership Services or email us at membership@cfhministries.org.