14940 Old Colonial Road
Bloomington, IL 61704

Welcome to FLAVA Youth Ministry (FYM) at Center for Hope Ministries. We believe it is important that students have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We strive to reinforce the teachings our students have received about God and how wonderful He is to us, as well as introduce God to those who may not already know Him. Therefore, we count it a privilege to partner with parents in building a strong spiritual foundation for their youth.
Mission Statement
FLAVA Youth Ministry (FYM) exists to help Junior and Senior High School students Know, Represent, and Share Jesus Christ in every part of life!
Our Audience & Ministry Overview
FLAVA Youth Ministry is structured to provide ministry for children in grades 6 through 12. We strive to facilitate age-appropriate ministry to make sure biblical truths are presented and hit home with every youth, being alive and relevant. Therefore FLAVA is divided into the following age groups:
Junior High: Grades 6th – 8th
Senior High: Grades 9th -12th
Our Weekly Connection
FLAVA meets once per week in addition to other scheduled activities and events. Our meeting times are as follows:
HYPE Service – HYPE, which means Helping Youth Progress for Eternity, is our youth services. Every 2nd and 4th Sundays Jr. High and Sr. High students gather for worship and to discover how to apply God’s Word to their daily lives.
Promotion To Junior High
FLAVA welcomes and acknowledges youth going into the sixth grade at the beginning of the school year. These youth will be received into FLAVA as new members and the students, along with their parents, will be invited to a special ceremony to celebrate their arrival into the ministry.
FLAVA Youth Ministry is currently looking for volunteers who have a great personality, love God and enjoy working with students. Please email Pastor Rebert Harris or call 309-827-2009.